Food Fight Friday: Redfish vs. Goose

by David Draper

As you come to know me, you will find out I am a sucker for praise. A compliment or kind word will get you places, like a mention in this blog. As evidence, I give you reader Shawn McCardell, who not only likes my recipe for goose bites, but also took a pretty good picture to accompany the praise. So it should go without saying he gets my vote in this week’s Food Fight against Colin’s stuffed redfish. (Of course, Colin signs my paychecks, so maybe I need to rethink who to cast my vote for).

Redfish Ryan

Before we begin, have I mentioned what a pleasure it is to work with David? The guy’s a class act and a fine cook. Now, to the dish… Last week, the crews from Field & Stream and Outdoor Life traveled to Louisiana for a work retreat. We had meetings in the mornings, fished for reds, specks, and flounder in the afternoon, and in the evenings we ate very, very well, thanks to the gifted cooks at Cajun Fishing Adventures. Redfish Ryan, served on a bed of grits, was my favorite dish. It’s redfish stuffed with shrimp and crabmeat. (You can find the recipe here.)

Shawn McCardell’s Goose Bites

Don’t they look good? I think grilling them in the basket makes for a good smoky flavor. Otherwise it is the same recipe as Draper’s, served with a nice frothy beverage to wash it all down. I gave some to my hunting buddy to try out, and he said they blew his goose bites (he uses OJ and milk) out of the water. I of course, gave Draper all the credit.


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